Sunday 18 November 2012


Having a lazy day today, just planning on going back to the museum & planetarium today to see what we didn't get a chance to yesterday. It was amazing how much we missed & spent all day in there today although we did get there a bit later than planned after getting off the subway at the wrong stop. Had my photo took with Roosevelt, but he didn't say much, then again he was made of bronze. By the time we came out, it was almost dark so they're where some opportunities to get some brilliant photographs of the outside of the building in the dark & all glass
planetarium building.
As I said it was a lazy day so just got something to eat on the way back to the hotel & watched TV for bit in the evening then Jane went for a sleep while I went out for a walk around but ended getting the subway up to Columbus Circle to photograph it in the dark but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be, o well, you can't win them all can you. Thought to myself sod it so hoped back on the next subway train back to 47th street & went to the Irish pub at 11:30 pm for a beer but embed up having about 4. This place doesn't close till about 4:30 in the morning, not that there was many in there when I went in but started to fill up when I was getting ready to come out. Not too bad the price of beer in there at $7 (£4.40) for just over a pint. Pleasant walk back to the hotel & there was still loads of people about at 1ish in the morning.