We arrived at Heathrow on time & then went to get our coach tickets, we didn't bother booking the tickets before we went just in case we missed it, turns out we only had about 30 minutes to wait. After a 3-hour coach trip back to Portsmouth, a ferry ride & a taxi we finally arrived at our front door 24 hours after we had set off from the hotel, 11:30 am again. It's good to go away but it's always good to get home. This is definitely one city we will be returning to soon, already planning it.....
Looking back over the last few weeks & months it makes you wonder where all the time has gone in-between. Would we go back & do it all again, I think yes has to be the answer to that one, can’t wait in fact. With that, I’ve enjoyed making this blog of our trip to New York City; this is a place we come to know so well in such a short time. It’s a big city with all the big city problems but with a little common sense & lots of police, these things make you feel a lot safer than I do walking down my local High Street at around 8.30pm on any night of the week.
A truly amazing holiday that we both enjoyed.